85 responses to “adopted strays

  1. Could you create a realease schedule even if it is not 100 % on poin it would be nice to have a litle hint when realeases will come :D Thanks for all the work you are doing

  2. Please pick Death March up it’s too good to let it die T__T
    If you’re interested i can give you raw’s. And sponge cake lot’s of sponge cake O_O
    Thank’s for your time ~ * 3*

  3. TY for taking back Blush-DC. This manga is just so fascinating that i’ve been crawling the internet in search of any translation i could understand (english-spanish-french). And your translation work is pretty coherent on it. I can’t wait to read what is to come !!!

  4. does chapter 21 of re:monster being a work in progress mean it will be released in a few hours or days? got a rough estimation of when youll have enough time to finish it? great work btw

  5. Cant you guys use google translator for translating if you have to? Or will that not work due to google translator not giving the right translation?

  6. I have way more respect for translators now. I have tried to translate just one sentence and it is a pain, I never knew how hard it was to translate something.

  7. I just wanted to thank you guys for picking up Blush! I was completely shocked when my reading app told me new chapters yesterday. I honestly never thought anyone would pick it up again so thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

  8. I absolutely love you guys for doing Re:Monster.
    It’s one of my favorite mangas so I really appreciate the translations.
    If I could buy English copies of the manga I would. (Or if I ever manage to learn Japanese I’ll just buy the normal one)

  9. Hay, I see that the English version of RE:Monster is published quite a bit later than the Japanese.
    If you have difficulty getting a Japanese scan I think I can help with that if you want to.

  10. Thanks so much for posting the black healer manga. It’s super dope!! Hope the next chapter is out soon (but no pressure)

  11. thanks for the Re:M23 its good to read….
    Waiting to read Re:M24 …
    can i Know when its out ??
    sorry if my english is bad

  12. Thanks you guys for picking up Re:monster one of my favorite reads was wondering when the next chapter will be out. Again thank you you rock!!!

  13. Dude, I became so addicted to re: MONSTER that I’m really considering Learn how to read Japanese. Overall by the things that I read here you guys are lacking in someone to translate, and I never thought that could be a real problem, especially because all the people that know Japanese and inglish. If there is anyway I can help please say it. :) sorry for the bad grammar.

  14. Hello, I’m A huge fan of Re: Monster. I cant Read Japanese nor can i translate. Is there anything else i can do to help speed up the progress?

  15. Someone who called himself chichi9 has translated chap 24 himself and it’s now on the site mangafox and I think he’s planning to continue translating more chapters because I think he think the series has been dropped

  16. hey, something that may be of interest (since you did koe no katachi)- have you seen mozuya-san gyakujousuru? it’s been dropped since chapter 14 last year. I can get you raws for a few future volumes, if you’re interested

      • thanks for thinking about it! It’s a truly outstanding manga but a lil too complex for run-of-the-mill translation, if you end up getting into it (in your free time of course) I’m sure you’ll find it rewarding.

  17. Is this translation-site still online?? When yes….dont torture us so much! PLS!!
    We all want some new chapter….and there are already 30+ chapter out from black healer…….sooo????? Onegai!!!

  18. Hey is there any chance of you guys picking up the series tokiwa kitarei? It’s a series that so far has 33 chapters translated but is over 100 chapters long already and is a series which I think is pretty well liked but has had no one doing any translations for the past year if not longer

  19. This Group is dead. 5 month without updates and only 2 “active” manga. close the page and we all can move on.

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