26 responses to “Changes

  1. Squeeeeee~! Thank you so much for the new chapter! I’m super excited for where the next chapter will take us! Also are you guys going to do any of the 8+ chapters after 7? I was just curious since they’re not list under the progress section. Thanks again!

  2. Thanks a lot for all your translations so far! I really appreciate all your translations!
    But your current translation pace seems fairly slow. You’re currently translating three different series, two of them are released once per month in Japan, but neither are up to date.

    Are you sure you’re not trying to do more than you’re currently able to handle?
    Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate that you’re taking your time to translate the series for us who are unable to read the raws, but still, taking on three series when you currently can’t keep up with one of them might not be the best idea.

    Regardless, thanks for all your work and take care of yourself!

    • Well, we’re just a third-rate scan group. That’s why our releases are few and far between =w=

      /Blush is on hold till I hear from our translator for that series.

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